
Want to measure your typing speed? Take our free typing test!

With our free typing test you can find out how many words you can type flawlessly per minute.

How does it work?

Our free typing test is very simple. You type all the words as quickly and correct as possible. Press enter or the space bar to move to the next word. You have a total of 60 seconds. The typing test measures your typing speed and accuracy. The time starts as soon as you start typing. Once the 60 seconds are over, you will immediately see your achieved score.

Why a typing test?

Touch typing is a life-long skill. At school or later at work. Nowadays, many different professions require high typing speed. Especially in administrative work, it is very important to be able to type quickly and flawlessly. It is interesting for employers to know what your typing speed is. With our online typing test, you will know within one minute whether our typing course can help you.

Sign up for our typing course

Not satisfied with the score of the online typing test? Then our free online typing course can help you improve your typing skills. Click on the blue button in the menu to create an account quickly and easily.